C++ Fundamentals

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Training for beginners/intermediates on C++ to build a solid base of understanding.


The C++ fundamentals training aims to build a solid understanding of the C++ programming language, from basic to advanced engineering requirements. The knowledge is build from the ground up, covering fundamental techniques such as function and operator overloading up until more advanced topics such as template programming. Throughout the training we will maintain a focus on a safe, modern style of programming in C++, covering language features up to those part of C++20. Next to interactive lectures, large part of the training will be hands-on exercises to apply knowledge in practice.

Depending on the group skill level and preferences, the training can be adapted to emphasize specific subjects and exercises.


  • Build a solid understanding of modern C++,
  • Focus on a safe, modern style of programming,
  • Learn language features up to C++20,
  • Directly apply knowledge during hands-on exercises,
  • Learn about resources for further professional development.


Software engineers with basic programming experience (any language will do).


This course is provided in two time two consecutive training days within two weeks (i.e. four days total).

Day 1

Introduction to C++, variables and initialization, control structures. At the end of the day, the attendees will able to explain what C++ is, how its compilation model works, and what it can be used for. They will also be able to read and write basic applications comprising of data structures and general control structures.

Day 2

Functions, classes and inheritance. At the end of the day, attendees will be able to read and write more advanced applications using data and control structures, and functions. They will be able to properly organize their code using functions and object-oriented data structures such as classes.

Day 3

Memory organization and management, error handling and exceptions, generic programming and templates. At the end of the day, attendees will understand the basic mechanics and important implications of memory management in C++. They will be able to employ exceptions as a means for structured error handling. Also, they will be able to use templates to create type-generic, compile-time instantiated code.

Day 4

The standard library, algorithms and iterators, operators and operator overloading. Optional topics (on request): constant expressions, the C++ tooling and information ecosystem. At the end of the day, attendees will have good sense of the C++ toolbox: the standard library. They will be able to employ algorithms and iterators, some of the most important parts of the standard library. Also, they will be able to use operator overloading to fully integrate their custom data structures into the language vocabulary. When leaving the course, they are left with handles to sources for further professional development in C++.

Large homework exercises

For those who are interested, there are a couple of larger homework exercises to choose from. Each of the exercises build up to a fully functional application in a number of smaller steps. These exercises are accompanied with explanation slides, solution code and extensive descriptions of the solution steps.

The large homework exercises are publicly available and can be found via this link.

High Tech Institute

This training is provided through High Tech Institute, more information here.